Dear Applicant:
Thank you for expressing interest in joining our organization. The United Fire Company, Montrose, PA, has been providing services to Montrose and surrounding communities since 1847. We are an all-volunteer organization comprised of three different levels of membership available to the public as per our Constitution & Bylaws:
Active Membership - those who reside within the company fire protection district and/
or townships adjacent to Bridgewater township (Dimock, Jessup, Franklin, Brooklyn, Forest
Lake, and New Milford) and who indicate their willingness and ability to respond to fire and
service calls.
Contributory Membership – shall embrace all who are not within the above classifications and will not have any of the privileges of the company.
Probationary Membership - those who have successfully requested membership in the
company and who have not yet completed serving a trial period.
Anyone wishing to join as an Active Member will automatically be placed on Probationary Membership. A probationary member must be age 14 or older to apply. Applicants under the age of 18 will be carried as a Junior Member subject to all rules and regulations regarding such. Probationary Members must obtain 75 service points during the course of one year and attend at least one company approved local, state, or federal training to be retained. Life & Honorary Memberships are reserved for those who are already members of the company.
Anyone wishing to join as a Contributory Member must be age 14 or older to apply. Applicants under the age of 18 will be carried as a Junior Member subject to all rules and regulations regarding such. Please fill this application out and return to the firehouse or a member, or if mailing, sent to United Fire Company, P.O. Box 286, Montrose, PA 18801.
Thank you for your interest,
United Fire Company, Montrose, PA Membership Committee